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Reverse TCP Listener for Built Agents

This listener creates a direct TCP connection channel between an agent (client) and the C2 (server). Unlike HTTP listeners, it transmits data immediately without delays or bandwidth restrictions, prioritizing speed over stealth.

Plugin ID: shelldot.listener.agent-reverse-tcp


The table below documents all available configuration parameters:

Attribute Description
hosts Array of IP addresses or hostnames the agent will use to connect to C2.
port TCP port on which the listener accepts connections.
handshakeBytes Random bytes used for initial handshake between C2 and agent.
startTime (Optional) UTC start time if the listener should not start immediately.

Operation Details

Feature Behavior
Connection Agent initiates TCP connection to C2
Data Flow Immediate transmission without delays
Bandwidth No artificial limits or throttling
Traffic Pattern Continuous, real-time communication
Best Use Case Scenarios prioritizing speed over stealth

Note: Due to the lack of traffic shaping, this connection type may be more detectable by network monitoring systems.